ITIL® 4 stratēģis: Virzīšana, plānošana un uzlabošana

Kurss ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan & Improve ir balstīts uz mācību programmu no AXELOS. Kurss sniedz praktiskās iemaņas, kas nepieciešamas, lai izveidotu IT organizāciju “kas mācās un pilnveidojas” ar efektīvu stratēģisko virzību. Izmantojot kursā iekļautos ITIL® 4 jēdzienus un terminoloģiju, aktivitātes, vingrinājumus un piemērus, tiks iegūtas atbilstošas zināšanas, lai nokārtotu ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan & Improve sertifikācijas eksāmenu.

Kursa ilgums, akadēmiskās stundas: 24
Cena (bez PVN): 1350,00 
Cena (ar PVN): 1633,50 
Pasniedz: Āris Dzērvāns
Āris Dzērvāns
Āris Dzērvāns ir vadījis IKT jomu tādos uzņēmumos kā "Latvijas Valsts ceļi" un "Latvijas Valsts meži", bijis "Rīgas digitālās aģentūras" direktors, kā arī vadījis Latvijas Valsts IKT politikas veidošanu, strādājot "VARAM" par Valsts sekretāra vietnieku Digitālās transformācijas jautājumos, bez tam Ārim ir vairāk kā 15 gadu darba pieredze Microsoft.

Armīns Martinsons
Armīns Martinsons
Vadošais tehnisko produktu vadītājs centralizētajai karšu autorizācijas sistēmai Eiropā uzņēmumā “Circle K”. Pasniedzējs ir sertificēts ITIL 4 MP.


14. oktobris, 2024 - 16. oktobris, 2024
Āris Dzērvāns
Cena (bez PVN):
Cena (ar PVN):

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Nodarbību grafiks:
14.10.2024 09:00-16:15
15.10.2024 09:00-16:15
16.10.2024 09:00-16:15
Kursa mērķis

The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve course is designed to provide practitioners with a practical and strategic method for planning and delivering continual improvement with necessary agility. It is aimed at managers of all levels involved in shaping direction and strategy or developing a continually improving team. It will cover both practical and strategic elements.
ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Kursa mērķauditorija

The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve course fundamentally targets the participants in the IT and business domains who wish to take first steps in service management or who are familiar with earlier versions of ITIL and/or other sources of industry best practice and wish to learn about ITIL® 4.

  • IT Support Staff
  • IT Consultants
  • Business Managers
  • Business Process Owners
  • IT Developers
  • Service Providers
  • System Integrators
  • Anyone working in a Devops team
Pēc mācībām tu spēsi
  • Understand the key concepts of direction, planning, improvement.
  • Understand the scope of what is to be directed and/or planned, and know how to use key principles and methods of direction and planning in that context.
  • Understand the role of GRC and know how to integrate the principles and methods into the service value system.
  • Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of continual improvement for all types of improvements.
  • Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of Communication and Organizational Change Management to direction, planning and improvement.
  • Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of measurement and reporting in direction, planning, and improvement.
  • Understand and know how to direct, plan, and improve value streams and practices.
Turpmākie mācību soļi

Pēc kursa “ITIL® 4 stratēģis: virzīšana, plānošana un uzlabošana” eksāmena nokārtošanas Jums iespēja turpināt apgūt pārējos ITIL Advanced līmeņa kursus BDA, kā TIL ® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support, vai ITIL® 4 Specialist: High-Velocity IT, lai kļūtu par ITIL Managing professional, vai ITIL Stategic Leader

ITIL stratēģis - turpmākie mācību ceļi

Kursa apmeklēšanas priekšnoteikumi

ITIL foundation certificate.

Mācību materiāli

PeopleCert accredited training materials.

Sertifikācijas eksāmens

Course ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan & Improve is delivered with a respective certification exam PeopleCert.
Certification exam m is included in course price.

Kursa programma

Module 1: Core concepts of Direct, Plan and Improve

  • Key concepts of Direct, Plan and Improve
    • Basics of Direction
      Basics of Planning
      Basics of Improvement
      Operating model
      Scope of control
      Identify the scope of control and within this
  • Understand the differences between:
    • Vision and mission
      Strategy, tactics and operations
      Governance, compliance and management
      Policies, controls and guidelines
  • Value, outcomes, costs and risks and their relationships to direction, planning and improvement.

Module 2: Direct, Plan and Improve through Service Value Chain and Guiding Principles

  • Direct, Plan and Improve of the Service Value System
  • Direct, Plan and Improve of Guiding Principles

Module 3: Role of Direction in Strategy Management

  • Introducing Startegy Management
  • Developing Effective Strategies

Module 4: Implementation of Strategies

  • Managing Risks
  • Making Decisions through Portfolio Management
  • Directing via Governance, Risk and Compliance
    • The role of risk and risk management in DPI
    • How governance impacts DPI
    • Controls that are sufficient, yet not excessive

Module 5: Introduction to Assessment and Planning

  • Core Concepts of Assessment
  • Conducting Effective Assessments
  • Assessment objectives, outputs, requirements and criteria
  • Assessment methods

Module 6: Assessment and Planning through Value Stream Mapping

  • Introducing Value Stream Mapping
  • Developing Value Stream Maps
  • Knowing More About Value Stream Mapping

Module 7: Measurement, Reporting, and Continual Improvement

  • Measurement and Reporting
  • Alignment of Measurements and Metrics
  • Indicators and metrics to support objectives
  • Measurements for the Four Dimensions
  • ITIL continual improvement model
  • Core Concepts of Planning
  • Define and prioritize desired outcomes of an improvement
  • Build, justify and advocate for a business case
  • Improvement reviews
  • Analysis of lessons learned
  • Know how to embed continual improvement at all levels of Service Value System
  • Continual Improvement of the Value Chain and Practices

Module 8: Organizational Change Management Principles and Methods

  • Nature, scope and potential benefits of organizational change management
  • OCM throughout DPI and Service Value Chain
  • Key principles and methods of communication and organizational change management:
    • Identify and manage different types of stakeholders
    • Effectively communicate with and influence others
    • Establish effective feedback channels
  • Effective interfaces across the value chain
  • Resistance and Reinforcement

Module 9 Direct, Plan and Improve for value streams and processes

  • Differences between value streams and practices. How those differences impact direction, planning and improvement.
  • Methods and techniques to direct, plan and improve value streams and practices.
    • Addressing the four dimensions
    • Organizations and People in the Service Value Systems
    • Partners and Suppliers in the Service Value Systems
    • Value Streams and Processes in the Service Value Systems
    • Information and Technology in the Service Value Systems
    • Applying the guiding principles
    • Value stream mapping
    • Optimization of workflow
    • Elimination of waste
    • Ensuring and utilizing feedback

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