CompTIA® kiberdrošības analītiķis (CySA+)

Kurss iepazīstina ar rīkiem un taktiku, lai pārvaldītu kiberdrošības riskus, identificētu dažādus izplatītākos draudus, novērtētu organizācijas drošību, vāktu un analizētu kiberdrošības izlūkošanas datus un risinātu incidentus, kad tie notiek.


Kursam pieejams ES fondu līdzfinansējums.

Kursa ilgums, akadēmiskās stundas: 40
Cena (bez PVN): 2500,00 
Cena (ar PVN): 3025,00 
Pasniedz: Kirils Solovjovs
Kirils Solovjovs
Drošības uzņēmuma "Possible Security" vadītājs, IT politikas aktīvists, ievainojamību meklētājs un visredzamākais “labais hakeris” Latvijā. Kirils specializējas tīkla plūsmas analīzē un reversinženierijā, kā arī sociālajā inženierijā. Uzkrājis drošības incidentu izmeklēšanas pieredzi. Kirils ieguvis trīs augstākās izglītības ar izcilību, Datorzinātņu maģistra grādu Latvijas Universitātē, specializācijā datortīklu speciālists un projektu vadītājs. Viņa profesionālo pieredzi papildina stažēšanās NATO kiberaizsardzības izcilības centrā, attīstot sarkano komandu mācības “Crossed Swords”.

Viktors Meirāns


11. novembris, 2024 - 15. novembris, 2024
Viktors Meirāns
Cena (bez PVN):
Cena (ar PVN):

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Paldies! Mēs ar Tevi sazināsimies.

Nodarbību grafiks:
11.11.2024 09:00-16:15
12.11.2024 09:00-16:15
13.11.2024 09:00-16:15
14.11.2024 09:00-16:15
15.11.2024 09:00-16:15
Kursa mērķis

The CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) course is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed to detect, prevent, and respond to security threats. The main objectives of the course include:

  • Threat Management;
  • Vulnerability Management;
  • Cyber Incident Response;
  • Security Architecture and Tool Sets;
  • Security Operations and Monitoring;
  • Compliance and Assessment;
  • Preparing for the CompTIA CySA+ Certification Exam.
Kursa mērķauditorija
  • IT Security Analyst
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Vulnerability Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Specialist
  • Threat Intelligence Analyst
  • Security Engineer
Pēc mācībām tu spēsi
  • Apply environmental reconnaissance techniques using appropriate tools and processes.
  • Analyze the results of a network reconnaissance.
  • Given a network-based threat, implement or recommend the appropriate response and countermeasure.
  • Explain the purpose of practices used to secure a corporate environment.
  • Implement an information security vulnerability management process.
  • Analyze the output resulting from a vulnerability scan.
  • Compare and contrast common vulnerabilities found in the various targets within an organization.
  • Distinguish threat data or behavior to determine the impact of an incident.
  • Prepare a toolkit and use appropriate forensics tools during an investigation.
  • Explain the importance of communication during the incident response process.
  • Analyze common symptoms to select the best course of action to support incident response.
  • Summarize the incident recovery and post-incident response process.
  • Explain the relationship between frameworks, common policies, controls, and procedures.
  • Use data to recommend remediation of security issues related to identity and access management.
  • Review security architecture and make recommendations to implement compensating controls.
  • Use application security best practices while participating in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Compare and contrast the general purpose and reasons for using various cybersecurity tools and technologies
Kursa apmeklēšanas priekšnoteikumi

CompTIA recommends CySA+ certification candidates to have the following requirements prior to attending the CySA+ course:

  • 3–4 years of hands-on information security or related experience
  • Network+, Security+ or equivalent knowledge
Mācību materiāli

CompTIA CySA+ student kit includes a comprehensive workbook and other necessary materials for this class.

Sertifikācijas eksāmens

Course helps to prepare for CompTIA exam CompTIA CySA+ (Exam Code CS0-003)

Kursa programma
  • Threat Management 1:
    • Cybersecurity analysts
    • Reconnaissance techniques
  • Threat Management 2:
    • Security appliances
    • Logging and analysis
  • Vulnerability Management:
    • Managing vulnerabilities
    • Remediating vulnerabilities
    • Secure software development
  • Cyber Incident Response:
    • Incident response
    • Forensics tools
    • Incident analysis and recovery
  • Security Architecture:
    • Secure network design
    • Managing identities and access
    • Security frameworks and policies

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