ITIL®4 Specialist: High Velocity IT

ITIL 4 visaptverošā pieeja paver jauna līmeņa stratēģisko redzējumu pakalpojumu vadībai organizācijās. Tā fokusējās uz pilna cikla produktu un pakalpojumu pārvaldību no klienta pieprasījuma līdz piegādātai vērtībai. ITIL 4 HVIT (High-Velocity IT) modulis palīdz organizācijām ceļā uz digitālo transformāciju, panākot konverģenci starp biznesa un tehnoloģiju jomām, veidojot jaunu – digitālu organizāciju.

Pieaugot prasībām pēc digitālajām tehnoloģijām, nozares specialisti sajūt arvien lielāku spiedienu jaunu digitālu sistēmu un pakalpojumu plānošanā, izstrādē un uzturēšanā. ITIL 4 HVIT modulis palīdz nozares praktiķiem labāk saprast digitālo transformāciju, un virza organizācijas uz ciešāku biznesa vajadzību un tehnoloģiju iespēju integrēšanu.

Kursa ilgums, akadēmiskās stundas: 24
Cena (bez PVN): 1350,00 
Cena (ar PVN): 1633,50 
Pasniedz: Armīns Martinsons
Armīns Martinsons
Vadošais tehnisko produktu vadītājs centralizētajai karšu autorizācijas sistēmai Eiropā uzņēmumā “Circle K”. Pasniedzējs ir sertificēts ITIL 4 MP.


11. decembris, 2024 - 13. decembris, 2024
Armīns Martinsons
Cena (bez PVN):
Cena (ar PVN):

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Nodarbību grafiks:
11.12.2024 09:00-16:15
12.12.2024 09:00-16:15
13.12.2024 09:00-16:15
Kursa mērķis

The High-Velocity IT course prepares candidates for the PeopleCert ITIL 4 Specialist: High-Velocity IT formal examination. The official HVIT course syllabus outlines the following objectives:

  • Understand concepts regarding the highvelocity nature of the digital enterprise, including the demand it places on IT
  • Understand the digital product lifecycle in terms of the ITIL ‘operating model’
  • Understand the importance of the ITIL guiding principles and other fundamental concepts for delivering high-velocity IT
  • Know how to contribute to achieving value with digital products
Kursa mērķauditorija
  • Senior IT leaders and executives
  • Managers, supervisory staff and team leaders
  • IT professionals who require a deeper understanding of the ITIL 4 publications, and how ITIL 4 concepts and activities can be implemented to enhance the quality of IT service management within an organization
  • IT professionals working in roles associated with a service-based business model
  • IT architects, IT planners, IT consultants, IT audit managers, IT security managers, IT developers and operational support staff
  • Service management professionals and ITSM trainers interested in achieving the Managing Professional designation in the new ITIL 4 framework
Pēc mācībām tu spēsi

This ITIL® 4 Specialist: High Velocity IT (HVIT) course will help you understand how the digital enterprises and operating models focus on rapid delivery of their products and services while performing in high velocity environments to gain the maximum value.

Kursa apmeklēšanas priekšnoteikumi

Candidates must currently hold the ITIL 4 Foundation certificate before registering for this course.

Mācību materiāli

PeopleCert accredited training materials.

Sertifikācijas eksāmens

Course ITIL® 4 Specialist: High-Velocity IT is delivered with a respective certification exam PeopleCert.
Certification exam is included in course price.

Kursa programma

Module 0: Course Overview
Module 1: Introduction to High-Velocity IT
Module 2: Key Concepts of High-Velocity IT

  • Digital organization
  • High-velocity IT
  • Digital transformation
  • IT transformation
  • Digital product
  • Digital technology

Module 3: High-Velocity IT Culture
Module 4: High-Velocity IT Techniques

  • Valuable investments – strategically innovative and effective application of IT
  • Fast development – quick realization and delivery of IT services and IT-related products
  • Resilient operations – highly resilient IT services and IT-related products
  • Co-created value – effective interactions between service provider and consumer
  • Assured conformance – to governance, risk and compliance (GRC) requirements

Module 5: The ITIL Management Practices

  • Relationship Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Architecture Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Deployment Management
  • Service Validation and Testing
  • Software Development and Management
  • Availability Management
  • Capacity and Performance Management
  • Infrastructure and Platform Management
  • Monitoring and Event Management
  • Problem Management
  • Service Continuity Management
  • Service Design
  • Service Desk
  • Information Security Management
  • Risk Management