Oracle Database: SQL and PL/SQL Fundamentals

EU co-financing of 50-100% is available to companies.
The total cost of tuition may vary depending on the rules of the specific association.

Course duration, academic hours: 40
Price (excl. VAT) 2300,00 
Price (with VAT): 2783,00 
Lecturer: Gints Plivna
Gints Plivna
Gints Plivna works as a data architect at Swedbank. The lecturer has a deep interest in databases, professional experience with relational database management systems (RDBMS) Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server, MySQL, as well as NoSQL DBMS - MongoDB. Instructor of Oracle SQL and PL/SQL certified courses since 2007.

Jurijs Oļeiņikovs
Jurijs Oļeiņikovs
Jurijs Oleinikovs is an Oracle infrastructure expert - planning, implementation, maintenance - all stages of the process. The lecturer is an expert in troubleshooting and performance tuning. As a competent professional in the field, he has participated in countless conferences and seminars on the relevant topic. The instructor's knowledge is so extensive that it is impossible to list everything done: Oracle Database Server, Oracle Application Server and server technologies such as Unix (Sun Solaris), Linux (RedHat, Suse), as well as Windows platforms (NT, 2000, XP) and Ms Exchange. Unix/Linux programming, C++, SQL and XHTML/CSS, etc.

Juris Trošins Signis Vāvere
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Course target
  • Run data manipulation statements (DML) to update data in the Oracle Database.
  • Design PL/SQL anonymous block that execute efficiently.
  • Describe the features and syntax of PL/SQL.
  • Handle runtime errors.
  • Describe stored procedures and functions.
  • Use PL/SQL programming constructs and conditionally control code flow (loops, control structures, and explicit cursors).
  • Use cursors to process rows.
  • Identify the major structural components of the Oracle Database 11g.
  • Retrieve row and column data from tables with the SELECT statement.
  • Create reports of sorted and restricted data.
  • Employ SQL functions to generate and retrieve customized data.
  • Display data from multiple tables using the ANSI SQL 99 JOIN syntax.
  • Create reports of aggregated data.
  • Run data definition language (DDL) statements to create and manage schema objects
  • Application Developers
  • Forms Developer
  • Functional Implementer
  • PL/SQL Developer
  • Portal Developer
  • Reports Developer
  • Technical Consultant
At Course Completion
  • Write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables and create database objects.
  • Use single row functions to customize output.
  • Invoke conversion functions and conditional expressions.
  • Use group functions to report aggregated data.
  • Create PL/SQL blocks of application code that can be shared by multiple forms, reports and data management applications.
  • Develop anonymous PL/SQL blocks, stored procedures and functions.
  • Declare identifiers and trap exceptions.
  • Use DML statements to manage data.
  • Use DDL statements to manage database objects.
  • Declare PL/SQL Variables.
  • Conditionally control code flow (loops, control structures).
  • Describe stored procedures and functions.
  • Retrieve row and column data from tables.

Required Prerequisites

  • Familiarity with data processing concepts and techniques
  • Familiarity with programming concepts
Training materials

Oracle University or BDA study materials.

Certification Exam


Course outline

1. Introduction

  • Overview of Oracle Database 12c and related products
  • Overview of relational database management concepts and terminologies
  • Introduction to SQL and its development environments
  • The HR schema and the tables used in this course
  • Oracle Database documentation and additional resources

2. Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement

  • List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
  • Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement
  • Use arithmetic expressions and NULL values in the SELECT statement
  • Invoke Column aliases
  • Concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keyword
  • Display the table structure using the DESCRIBE command

3. Restricted and Sorted Data

  • Write queries with a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved
  • Describe the comparison operators and logical operators
  • Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators
  • Usage of character string literals in the WHERE clause
  • Write queries with an ORDER BY clause
  • Sort the output in descending and ascending order
  • Substitution Variables

4. Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

  • List the differences between single row and multiple row functions
  • Manipulate strings using character functions
  • Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions
  • Perform arithmetic with date data
  • Manipulate dates with the DATE functions

5. Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

  • Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
  • Describe the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
  • Nesting multiple functions
  • Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data
  • Usage of conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement

6. Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions

  • Usage of the aggregation functions in SELECT statements to produce meaningful reports
  • Describe the AVG, SUM, MIN, and MAX function
  • How to handle Null Values in a group function?
  • Divide the data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause
  • Exclude groups of date by using the HAVING clause

7. Display Data From Multiple Tables

  • Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table
  • Join Tables Using SQL:1999 Syntax
  • View data that does not meet a join condition by using outer joins
  • Join a table to itself by using a self join
  • Create Cross Joins

8. Usage of Subqueries to Solve Queries

  • Use a Subquery to Solve a Problem
  • Single-Row Subqueries
  • Group Functions in a Subquery
  • Multiple-Row Subqueries
  • Use the ANY and ALL Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries
  • Use the EXISTS Operator

9. SET Operators

  • Describe the SET operators
  • Use a SET operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
  • Describe the UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS Operators
  • Use the ORDER BY Clause in Set Operations

10.Data Manipulation

  • Add New Rows to a Table
  • Change the Data in a Table
  • Use the DELETE and TRUNCATE Statements
  • How to save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
  • Implement Read Consistency
  • Describe the FOR UPDATE Clause

11. DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

  • Categorize Database Objects
  • Create Tables
  • Describe the data types
  • Understand Constraints
  • Create a table using a subquery
  • How to alter a table?
  • How to drop a table?

12. Other Schema Objects

  • Create, modify, and retrieve data from a view
  • Perform Data manipulation language (DML) operations on a view
  • How to drop a view?
  • Create, use, and modify a sequence
  • Create and drop indexes
  • Create and drop synonyms

13. Introduction to PL/SQL

  • PL/SQL Overview
  • List the benefits of PL/SQL Subprograms
  • Overview of the Types of PL/SQL blocks
  • Create a Simple Anonymous Block
  • Generate the Output from a PL/SQL Block

14. PL/SQL Identifiers

  • List the different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram
  • Usage of the Declarative Section to Define Identifiers
  • Use of variables to store data
  • Scalar Data Types
  • %TYPE Attribute
  • Bind Variables
  • Sequences in PL/SQL Expressions

15. Write Executable Statements

  • Basic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines
  • How to comment code?
  • SQL Functions in PL/SQL
  • Data Type Conversion
  • Nested Blocks
  • Operators in PL/SQL

16. Interaction with the Oracle Server

  • SELECT Statements in PL/SQL to Retrieve data
  • Data Manipulation in the Server Using PL/SQL
  • The SQL Cursor concept
  • Learn to use SQL Cursor Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML
  • How to save and discard transactions?

17. Control Structures

  • Conditional processing Using IF Statements
  • Conditional processing Using CASE Statements
  • Simple Loop Statement
  • While Loop Statement
  • For Loop Statement
  • The Continue Statement

18. Usage of Composite Data Types

  • PL/SQL Records
  • The %ROWTYPE Attribute
  • Insert and Update with PL/SQL Records
  • Associative Arrays (INDEX BY Tables)
  • INDEX BY Table Methods
  • INDEX BY Table of Records

19. Explicit Cursors

  • Understand Explicit Cursors
  • Declare the Cursor
  • How to open the Cursor?
  • Fetching data from the Cursor
  • How to close the Cursor?
  • Cursor FOR loop
  • Explicit Cursor Attributes
  • FOR UPDATE Clause and WHERE CURRENT Clause

20. Exception Handling

  • What are Exceptions?
  • Handle Exceptions with PL/SQL
  • Trap Predefined Oracle Server Errors
  • Trap Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors
  • Trap User-Defined Exceptions
  • Propagate Exceptions

21. Stored Procedures and Functions

  • What are Stored Procedures and Functions?
  • Differentiate between anonymous blocks and subprograms
  • Create a Simple Procedure
  • Create a Simple Procedure with IN parameter
  • Create a Simple Function
  • Execute a Simple Procedure
  • Execute a Simple Function

If you want to get more information about this course, contact us by phone +371 67505091 or send us an e-mail at