Effective ICT Security Practices for Company Staff
As part of the training, it will be possible to gain an understanding of the risks related to IT security and to acquire skills for identifying and preventing security risks on a daily basis, applying the tools available in the work environment and online for the prevention of security incidents, understanding the safe use of mobile devices.
Course target
To create in-depth understanding and practical skills of security requirements, risks and measures to ensure IT security in the company, personal equipment, as well as introduce tools and procedures for security risk prevention and incident prevention.
- Employees of micro and small enterprises;
- Self-employed persons;
- Individual merchants who are responsible for ensuring data security – on work and personal devices.
At Course Completion you will be able to
Understand data security requirements.
Identify risks in the company/computer equipment.
Practically apply the acquired knowledge to identify and prevent security risks.
Implement data security measures in the company in such a way as to ensure compliance with the personal data protection law.
Basic computer skills and ability to work with Internet browsers. Participation in the course requires a Microsoft-supported Windows 10 system with administrator access without program launch restrictions, an additional monitor is recommended (applies to online classes).
Training materials
Training materials prepared by BDA.
Certification Exam
Not intended.
Course outline
Basic principles of ICT security
Risks of using the Internet
Types of user identification and security
Good data storage practices and risks
Good practices for the use of personal and work equipment:
Good practices for safe computer use
Good practices for safe use of mobile devices
Solutions and platforms for communication:
Secure use of e-mail
Safe use of chat applications
Safe use of websites:
Identifying dangerous websites
Good practices for safe use of social portals
Profile of cyber attacks (what, why, how)?
Processes for maintaining ICT security
ICT Security: Solutions:
Software security solutions (Antiviruses, firewalls)
Hardware solutions (networks, equipment)
Physical security (access to premises, equipment)
- Cloud technologies
- Legislation and regulations in the field of IT security, their applicability and incident response.
If you want to get more information about this course, please contact us by phone +371 67505091 or send us an e-mail at mrn@bda.lv.