Company's brand awareness on LinkedIn
A company’s recognition and reliable reputation on LinkedIn is promoted by the strategic synergy of several elements, which are formed by leaders, employees, other users of the social network. This allows you to increase the company’s visibility, as well as strengthen its brand.
EU co-financing of 50-100% is available to companies.
The total cost of tuition may vary depending on the rules of the specific association.
Course target
To create in-depth understanding and practical skills about:
- creation of a strategic company profile on LinkedIn, including descriptions, keywords, activating all necessary sections. Analytics and profile activation strategy. Quick audit of competitors’ activities;
- promoting the recognition of the company’s brand, creating a presence for the activities of partners, customers, employees, alumni;
- the mechanics of how to drive employee engagement to support company profile activities, given the limitations of the natural algorithm. Scaling the value created; the role of company leaders’ presence on LinkedIn. Personal brand on LinkedIn, impact on strengthening employer image, company reputation, brand scaling. Company employees’ personal brands, reputation and trust in the company they represent. Personal profiles and recording support;
- the company’s content strategy, planning the content and assigning value to it through the recipients. Embedding of created content, content redistribution in company and team profiles, content customization between different channels, content design, formats, topics, publishing intervals, algorithm.
Professionals who want to improve their company account management skills and promote their company image on LinkedIn. The training is suitable for a wide range of participants, such as business managers and owners, marketing specialists, business development managers and other specialists.
At course completion you will be able to
- Understand the effective use of the LinkedIn platform for promoting the recognition of the company’s brand, strengthening reputation, scaling trust, promoting the flow of customers, talents, partners, initiating new collaborations;
- Apply knowledge that helps to promote the visibility of the company’s LinkedIn profile, evaluating the actions taken, as well as creating more effective future strategies and action plans;
- Understand the personal role of team and company leaders in promoting company brand awareness on LinkedIn;
- Apply the appropriate support mechanisms for the team both in content planning, design, redistribution and involvement, as well as in creating discussions;
- Gain knowledge that helps in creating company profile content on LinkedIn, understanding how to create content with added value for potential and existing customers, partners;
- Apply knowledge of how to support the activities of the company’s profile, colleagues, customers, partners, alumni to promote the recognition of the company.
Must have a LinkedIn personal profile and access to the company’s LinkedIn profile (super admin status). The profile may not be renewed or active, but the existence of a private and company profile during the learning process is important to be able to operate independently using the newly acquired knowledge and skills.
Training materials
Training materials prepared by BDA and practical examples.
Certification exam
Not intended.
Course outline
Introduction and practical exercises
- The most effective steps to promote your company’s brand awareness on LinkedIn without the help of paid ads;
- Productivity and time management in creating and maintaining a full-fledged profile.
Company profile strategy
- Creating content, establishing professional relationships with platform members;
- Team interaction mechanics to promote visibility;
- Building trust, scaling visibility and feedback.
If you want to get more information about this course, contact us by phone +371 67505091 or send an e-mail at