AML/CFT Advanced Level Training Module: Sanctions Requirements and Risks in Theory and Practice
Within the framework of the training, it is possible to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for the creation and improvement of the internal control system of sanctions, as well as for the analysis of practical situations of sanctions, using examples from cases found in financial and other industries. You will also be able to learn more about methods for detecting and investigating situations of violation or circumvention of sanctions.
Course target
To raise the qualifications of employees of credit institutions and other financial institutions by educating and introducing them to the performance of sanctions risk assessments, the theoretical and practical aspects related to the execution of sanctions set by international organizations, legal requirements and the regulatory framework of the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), with special emphasis on the sanctions set against Russia and Belarus.
Employees of credit institutions, payment institutions, financial institutions, whose duties include the fulfillment of sanctions requirements and prevention of money laundering.
At course completion you will be able to
- Participate in the creation and improvement of the internal control system of sanctions.
- Orientate yourself in the theoretical and practical aspects related to the enforcement of sanctions set by international organizations.
Basic knowledge of the operating principles of the financial field.
Training materials
Handouts on the subject covered in the course.
Certification Exam
Not intended.
At the end of the training, a BDA Certificate for completing the course will be issued.
Course outline
Legal bases in the field of sanctions.
Types of sanctions, organizations of sanctions, application of sanctions.
Sanctions risk assessment, risk management.
Methods and examples of sanctions violation detection.
Factors and examples increasing the risk of circumvention of sanctions.
European Union sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
If you want to get more information about this course, please contact us by phone +371 67505091 or send an e-mail at