AML/CFT Advanced Level Training Module: Fraudulent Tenancy Agreements

The training is intended for raising the qualifications of employees of credit institutions and other financial institutions, improving knowledge and skills, as well as introducing the problems of fictitious rental agreements, which are a significant risk.

Course duration, academic hours: 8
Price (excl. VAT) 325,00 
Price (with VAT): 393,25 
Course target

Increase the qualifications of employees of credit institutions and other financial institutions by developing knowledge and skills, as well as introducing the problem of fictitious rental contracts, which is a significant risk.


Employees of banks and other financial institutions who are responsible for evaluating potential participation in mortgaged real estate auctions, as well as bank lawyers who represent the interests of financial institutions in recovery proceedings.

At course completion you will be able to
  • Know the problems of fictitious rental contracts.
  • Recognize the most common signs of fictitious rental agreements in practice.
  • Analyze the risks associated with fictitious rental agreements.
  • Make rational decisions as a result of research.

Basic knowledge of the law of cases and obligations, as well as knowledge of the lending process.

Training materials

Training materials prepared by BDA.

Certification Exam

Not intended.

Course outline
  • Introduction;
  • History of fictitious leases;
  • Purpose, characteristics of fictitious rental agreements;
  • Directing the drive to real estate;
  • Taking possession of real estate;
  • Criminal law aspect of fictitious rental contracts;
  • Case law in cases of fictitious rental contracts:
    • Recognizing contracts as invalid;
    • Recovery of losses;
  • Residential Tenancy Law;
  • Answers to questions.

If you want to get more information about this course, please contact us by phone +371 67505091 or send an e-mail at