What is flipped learning in the workplace and what are its benefits

Photo: Freepik.com / standret

Today, thanks to extensive technological possibilities, there are many ways to enhance the learning process, making it more engaging and meaningful. Each of us, regardless of what we are learning, wants our newly acquired skills and knowledge to be lasting. But how can this be achieved? One option is to use a work-based learning model. Learn more about its essence and key benefits in the rest of the article!

Comprehensive Theory Acquisition Combined with Practical Skills

During the Covid-19 period, certain issues came to light, such as the shortcomings in vocational education and training systems and the low level of digitalization in educational institutions.

But what exactly is work-based learning? Essentially, it is a vocational education method that combines knowledge acquisition in the classroom with practical skills in a real workplace setting. Such training is highly effective as it strengthens skills relevant to the professional field. A relatively new form of work-based learning is flipped learning.

Research has shown that traditional teaching methods often consume a considerable amount of time on theory, leaving limited time for practical work, discussions, and other activities that promote deep skills acquisition. In flipped learning, modern information technologies and access to high-quality, interactive learning materials (videos, self-assessment tests, interactive tasks, etc.) are provided beforehand. This allows in-person sessions to focus on in-depth competency enhancement.

Implementing Flipped Learning in Practice

To help vocational education institutions and companies overcome modern challenges in the digital environment and diversify learning opportunities, an Erasmus+ project called “Digitalising VET: The Flipped Work-Based Learning (Flipped VET)” was launched. In this project, we, BDA, are the leading partner.

The project was initiated with the goal of supporting the field of vocational education and enhancing educational programs by implementing a flipped work-based learning model. Through this project, the capacity of vocational education institutions and companies will be increased, and essential skills will be improved to facilitate the digitalization of certain services and educational programs.

Self-Learning Platform – Achieving Higher Learning Outcomes

As part of the project, a self-learning platform has been created, offering various practical educational resources for leaders, teachers, instructors of vocational education institutions, representatives of companies providing training programs to their employees, and other stakeholders interested in work-based flipped learning and its implementation.

The educational material consists of 7 modules, including presentations, self-assessment tests, and homework on various topics:

  • Moodle learning management system
  • Open Educational Resources (OER) platforms
  • Planning and implementing digital learning
  • Engaging participants in online learning
  • Digital content development
  • Assessment in work-based flipped learning
  • New technologies for work-based learning.

The self-learning platform will also provide information about practical online tools for digitalizing educational programs and implementing flipped learning: Explain Everything, Greenshot, H5P, Kahoot, Padlet, Rise, Prezi, Google Forms, Canva, and Adobe Express.

The other project partners are: Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University (Turkey); ProEduca z.s. (Czech Republic); Archivio della Memoria (Italy); Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur (Spain); Asociatia pentru Sprijinirea Initiativelor Educationale (Romania); EIA – Ensina, Investigacao e Administracao S.A. instituting entity of ATLANTICA – Instituto Universitario (Portugal).

Project  No.: 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000025117.